One spring day my family and I went on a trip. While we were on the highway,
there was this motorcycle dude. I could tell that he was a motorcycle dude because of the clothes he was wearing.
He was wearing goggles, a leather jacket, blue jeans and boots. Then the motorcycle dude was running in the highway,
because he wanted to get his backpack back. While he was running, I could hear people yelling stuff like, "Are you NUTS?,
" " Are you CRAZY?!", and "Get out of the road!!! You could cause an ACCIDENT you CRAZY MAN!"
I felt bad for the guy. He was just trying to get his back-pack back.
The motorcycle dude was probably thinking, "Why are all these people yelling at me? I'm just trying to get my backpack
When my brother and I saw and heard what was happening, my brother's mouth and
my mouth dropped to the floor. I wanted to tell my sister so bad that I screamed in her ear, "WAKE UP!!!!" After
that, I got in trouble with my mom, because I screamed in my sister's ears. She said, "No more video games for a week!"
But it was worth it, so that my sister could see this . I told her to look out the window and she did. She said,
"Mom, look out the window! There's a man running in the road right now!!." "That's nice," my mom replied.
"But there really is!" she screamed. "I'm doing something right now honey," my mom said. This time my sister screamed
as loud as she could, "Look before you can't see him!!!" By the time she finally looked, he was gone. We haven't
seen him since.